Source Code

baseball pants

Yoga pants for men. Only baseball players can pull off the look. If women could have boners, they'd be sticking out like a cop car in the hood.

That man has the nicest ass with those baseball pants on

by baseball pants April 10, 2015

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No Pants O'Clock

Any time in which not wearing pants is socially acceptable. Usually takes place in the evening, with preference occurring after eight pm.

Is your room mate not wearing pants?

Yes, after all, it's No Pants O'Clock in our living room after eight.

by missiworld October 10, 2011

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pant flasher

A man that is addicted to sending (via text or email)pictures of himself in his pants to females that shouldnt see them!

Damien was such a pant flasher, as he kept sending Emma pictures of him in his pants at every opportunity

by princess poo April 26, 2011

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Pants Idol

To have no discernible talent, but just a rather strange desire to be in the public eye. Either to make it as a high paid karaoke singer, and be voted for by people who need to be taught to suck eggs, while laughably lame β€˜producers’ like Simon Cowell paid stupid amounts to say the sky is blue, and he/she cannot sing. This can be applied to anyone whose mothers told them they had β€˜talent’, and it is also versatile enough to be applied to people who have found fame by either:

1.) Getting their saggy tits out
2.) Being wealthy and sucking some dick
3.) Having wealthy parents and snorting coke
4.) Being a 'reality celebrity'
5.) Going on pop dross, love shit, sad survivor, I am a has been please kill me, or big yawn

If you subscribe to this word please find a motorway and walk in the middle of it.

Bernie: Oh jesus look there is that inbred horse fucker Tara Palmer Boy Child, what is she doing on TV again?

Frank: Shit, she is such a Pants idol Bernie, lets club together and get her killed.

by Jezmarta August 10, 2005

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Necklace Pants


Terrell's mom bought him a brand new pair of denim necklace pants.

by J.Bos April 8, 2015

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Mchappy pants

1. usually means someone very happy with good luck and amazing social skills

2. someone who is hilarious and extremely good at making friends

my friend is such a Mchappy pants; she's always making everyone smile and we all love her to death

by Sophizzlemadizzle September 8, 2006

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pants sander

a wave in the ocean that breaks too close to the shore leaving you with an abundance of sand in your bathing garments. particularly common while the tide is coming in and/or after a storm has eroded large portion or the beach. if not addressed IMMEDIATELY, pants sanders can cause extreme irritation and often cause a mild rash. see droopy drawers

john was caught up in a real pants sander. now he has droopy drawersand feels the beginings of what could become quite some rash.

by R.F. Hor May 25, 2008

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