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Finger princess

Someone who dosen't look things up on their own but always asks other people about things.

A: We're going to watch the new Top Gun movie.
B: What is that?
A: Oh, you are such a finger princess.

by anqie112 July 27, 2022

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is both a book and a movie.

The movie, from 1987, is incredibly corny. Most people associate this story with that movie.


William Goldman wrote The Princess Bride as an abridged version of S. Morgenstern's book, which is said to be a satire about European Royalty. However, S. Morgenstern's book never existed-- Goldman wrote the book entirely himself.

The Princess Bride was published in 1973.

The Princess Bride was the best book I've ever read! I LOVE Westley!

by lnglng July 2, 2006

69πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

pillow princess

a pillow princess is a girl in a girl and girl relationship who doesn’t do anything during s3x, they just receive

now you can also describe a pillow princess as someone who is called matilda

β€œdamn dude, you were right about matilda, she’s such a pillow princess”

β€œi told you bro”

by phobross April 14, 2020

19πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

white princess

Female equivalent of a white knight. This girl is an attention whore, edgelord, and more often than not infected with GOTIS. Claims to be against women's right and gender equality as a whole, in addition to holding other far right beliefs just so all the edgy boys will like her.

Sometimes it's not just to impress boys, but instead for attention in general.

Not to be confused with simply being critical of social justice movements or disagreeing with left hypocrisy.

Also not to be confused with a princess who is white.

Lauren Southern and Katie Hopkins are both perfect examples of being a White Princess.

"Ugh, Tiffany keeps going on about how women shouldn't have the right to vote whenever John is around. She is such a white princess."

by BoopDeBoopBoop September 13, 2017

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overseas princess

A woman in the US Army who is not good looking, but overseas, where the pool of available American and English speaking women is slim, she becomes a highly valued commodity.

"Sally's got a face like a tank, but she's got a line of guys outside her barracks room waiting to see her."

"If we weren't in Korea, she'd be alone."
"Yeah, she's a real overseas princess. She'd better milk this, because when she goes back to the states, its lonely nights for her."

by Overseas Soldier September 8, 2009

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Princess Poppycunt

The royal companion to Prince Poppycock.

Prince Charles is to Princess Diana as Prince Poppycock is to...

A.) Freddie Mercury
B.) Elton John
C.) Liberace
D.) Princess Poppycunt

by Magic Mocha September 18, 2010

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Passenger princess

Motorcycle club term for a chick who is riding with him as a decorative piece more than anything else. She might not be into him but makes him look better just being on the back of his bike.

β€œLooks like Loki have a new passenger princess”

by Loki Mjolnir January 17, 2023

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