The Protagonist of 'Future Arcade' she plays keyboard and sings and shes well pretty
Rachel Oxford is totally dating Roxxia Sparks
A sexy person, who always has a big penis.
"Look at the bulge in her pants."
"Yeah that's Rachel Beach's penis."
When you drop everything and go at it in the middle of a public space, usually in a school.
Bro we pulled a Luke and Rachel in the school bathroom this morning!
Rachel is a special person, People usually enjoy her company if they don’t forget she’s there as she sits on her brand new iPhone 11Xs plus that’s a lavender colour might I add, texting her 6 25yr old boyfriends. If you want to have Rachel as a friend make sure you have more then one friend because she might disappear for a day or maybe a month. Doesn’t come into school cause she’s a lazy shite, don’t think she’s even on the roll anymore, owns every channel lipstick you can think of, feel free to rob her she won’t notice, bullies her cats, but to give her the benefit of the doubt she’s a pretty good cook and always lends you money when you need it.
Person 1: have you seen Rachel Qu? Is she in today ?
Person2: nah she broke her nail so decided not to come in today
A challenge to make sure that people will do good. Was named after the first person to die in the Columbine shootings back in '99. Her actions were very kind and warm hearted, but that's not the real point of the challenge. It is really charging towns $25,000 or more to fail at making good people. We all know that you don't change and that we cannot be changed for any reason.
Person 1: Hey ___, you hear that the Rachel's Challenge thing is coming to our school?
Person 2: That was a waste of money our football team could've used instead.
*Tard walks by the two*
Person 2: Duh, hur, dar, I'm a tard
Person 1: *Socks Person 2 in the face* Dude, this is why we need it, because of assholes like you.
a term used to describe someone who leaves you on a night out
what a bitch, she totally did a rachel on me last night and left me on my own - doing a rachel
Also known as Rosie doe jo she is a melon she Also calls her self Olive from off the buses if you know then you know haha !! But she’s cool her wish one day is to be loved up for her boyf
My name Rachelle whyte and I call my self olive and Rosie doe jo and I am a very cool person but I do really need a boyfriend anyone help me