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Roblox Piggy

A Roblox game that copied Granny but somehow turned it into a completely different story. “Inspired” so many rip offs including Bakon and Guesty.

Guy 1: I can’t believe you’re playing Bakon, that’s a Roblox Piggy rip off!
Guy 2: Ikr, this game sucks. *Leaves game*

by Wise Parakeet May 29, 2020

40👍 11👎

roblox porn

roblox is something that small children watch because they are fucking weird. Its basicly some pixels bumping into each other.

"wow that little kid sure does watch a lot of roblox porn"

by ILoveChildren69 September 25, 2019

12👍 2👎

Roblox furry

A ROBLOX Royale High player that uses "UwU, Dont touch my tail, Where are the cookies? UwU" to be cute. You can easily come across a furry in Roblox Royale High, and spot one easily too.

person1: "UwU, where are meh cookies?"
person2: 'Oh god, a Roblox furry"

by Meme lolz November 2, 2020

10👍 1👎

Softie (roblox)

A roblox style that are normally very sweet and kind. They wear light pastel colours and often wear cottagecore designs.

C&P: I’m thinking of changing my style into a softie (roblox)
Slender: Bet

by cherrychinese June 3, 2021

10👍 1👎

roblox oof

when you die in a game called roblox

*you get shot in the head with a sniper rifle* you say "OOF" OW or OUCH
which is a "roblox oof"

by Woodrew May 26, 2017

74👍 24👎

roblox slender

little fukin emo boys who think their cool with 5.0 chicks that probaly watch anime and jack off to their roblox gf


by harlodhutchins March 12, 2021

30👍 7👎

roblox pussy

Play sum lejit tycoons and teh bloky babs just fill rite in. Then u gotta get ur limited edishion lego hat 2 cash all tat cum and pay th0se hoseeeeee

XxXPU$$YDESTR0YERXxX: I'ma hit up sum Roblox 2day and reap some o' dat roblox PUSSY

AnalRaper30001: Oh yah i beleve in u man nock it hurd 2day brah!

by xXxPUSSYDESTR0YERxXx February 23, 2017

43👍 13👎