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School is 8 hours of your life wasted every day (except the weekend) on knowledge you'll use, or you'll never use
School, is where you sit in a classroom for 45–50 minutes and listen to a teacher talk and after 45–50 minutes you'll hear a bell that lets you go outside

School is where you find friends and with friends you can talk and do other stuff together
School is a place where you do tests to get a letter (or a number) on a piece of paper
School is where if you get a lot of grades, you'll get another paper

A: School is bad
B: yup

by hungarian grill June 21, 2023


A place of work and stress where your brain explodes into knowledge and you turn into Albert Einstein.

School is a place that you learn stuff.

by Dr. Dude Man January 22, 2018


hell, just a living hell.

school is a living hell.

by LOL_!)! October 29, 2017


Something Finland does better than us

Finnish Boy: "Over Here we have 4 hour school days, the rest is used to experience childhood like it's supposed to be"

American Boy: "Well we have 7 hour school days, the rest is used for doing more work at home"

Finnish Boy "Olet köyhä lapsi"

by A Useless Definition September 17, 2017


a fucking waste of my precious roblox time🙄 the math is just a whole other story! like wtf how is

argih3g23747 x ( -3845749876346482354396750768492763489 x 327359437 divided by 373459) x hgweihf384 gonna help me in life. ITS NOT! and the ela is also ridiculous why do i have to write a whole fucking essay about how emily ate a piece of pizza. the science too! like you think i wont remember the four seasons i dont need to know the exact second of the most recent person who took a fat fucking diarrhea ass shit on earth. i dont wanna fucking be albert einstein when i grow up. what if i wanna be a fat fucking pig who eats potato chips and plays roblox all day. social studies.... I dont need to know about early fucking men and how they survived like i dont give a fuck about how they fought 8638243578 lions to eat everyday. now i just pull my fatass up to the drive through of mcdonalds and get my chicken nuggets. physical education though.. i dont see the fatass teachers doing jumpingjacks! most of the time they're lazy fucking asshole just sits there the whole time watching us sweat our asses off doing pushups. they force you to play soccer with these hoes that cant even kick the ball straight and they get pissed off when someone doesnt pass the ball to them everytime. they need to go back to kindergarten to fucking share and stop whining everytime they dont get their way. then you will get an F IF YOU DONT FUCKING PARTICIPATE.

school is a piece of shit
school is a waste of time
i hate school
school makes me mad

by maddie_1873 November 1, 2021


It is basically a shit that we all bastards have to go through to be "someone in life", but still some people end up the same shit as in the beginning.

-s*it..! School tmw...
-yh, always the same s*it!

by Thatgirl_retarded April 27, 2017



i hate school

by sdfdaadaghsfhtasgydjfhhjgdfewg October 17, 2019