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Dumb Ass

What you are for searching this up

Your such a Dumb Ass

by KyanThePlayer April 1, 2022

dumb boy

Dumb Boy

Something bullies use to call you to make you feel like crap *cry*.

Chad- Hey, look at that dumb boy and his dumb walk and his dumb face and his dumb look!

Timmy- WAAAHH *runs away*

by Intricriticalificalicous dude June 16, 2020

permanent dumb

Stubborn refusal to accept what is plainly obvious.

Kelly: "What do you mean you think the world is flat? Have you got the permanent dumb?"

by nocoffeehero April 22, 2016

dumb bush

a cleaner alternative to saying a dumb bitch.

zazoo : you know that salt is a dumb bush
corri : i know right, that person is such a dumb bush ahaha

by SimplyPeel May 8, 2020

Dumb goat

A dumb person.

He's a dumb goat.

by Goodbyepoo April 1, 2019


adjective medi-dumb pronounced mee · dee · dumb.

An individual whose understanding of a particular subject is informed largely or entirely by articles they have read on medium.

This individual tries to establish themselves as a subject matter expert but lacks essential domain knowledge that a credible authority on the topic should have. This individual can’t distinguish between the highly opinionated articles written on medium and genuinely valid research.

Some obvious signs that you’re talking to someone who is clearly… ‘medi-dumb’

-Mispronounces words or terminology.
-Uses terms incorrectly.

“I can’t stand Ted, he's medi-dumb AF. He read 3 articles on aerospace engineering and thinks he’s a rocket scientist. I want to punch him in the dick in meetings when he talks and says dumb sh*t.”

by starch1ld March 10, 2019

Dumb cut

Someone whos cut in a dumb way

Alex is dumb cut.

by Ray.Daking November 19, 2017