Source Code

Thomas Delay

Former House Majority Leader; A criminally insane political prostitute with no conscience. Tom Delay is known to give handjobs to lobbyists for wooden nickels.

Thomas Delay says:
I do HJ's and political favors. I'll tug you off for a cheeseburger and a trip to St. Andrews.

by Dungheap May 30, 2006

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Thomas Price

A gay faggot that wants to say the n-word every two seconds

He sucks at Cod and rocket league

Thomas Price,He’s just utter shit at Warzone

by IateyourtoeshagahhahH June 12, 2020

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cooper thomas

Cooper Thomas stands for monkey cunt. If you see anyone named Cooper Thomas STAY AWAY FROM THEM!! They are legit trash at life and it seems like they always need a better haircut. Cooper Thomas or CT's for short usually have raging problems and get "triggered" very easily. One last thing to know about CT's is they love to make dirty sister and mom jokes.

Asian Boy: Have you seen that Cooper Thomas?
White boy: Oh yea, he threw a apple core at my face!
Asain boy: Stay away from those CT's they have anger issues.

by Woonski January 27, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

No heredge-Thomas

A standard with which to compare. this scale works with anyone and can never trully be beaten

"Man that girls fit"
"pfft i guess, but shes no heredge-thomas"

by Jdawgthecool July 18, 2009

30πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

thomas hawks

He is a kid who has confidence and none all in one sitting, a kid who can bring an army down just with sheer will power, a loving and hating child. He has few friends, but the friends he has mean everything and more. When he loves something he doesn't just love, he obsesses.. In a good way! Everything he needs is where he resides, but everything he wants is too far to grasp. Thomas Hawks is a kid of his word.

Dude #1: Did you see that stunt that guy pulled?!
Dude #2: Yeah, he must've been a Thomas Hawks or something..
Dude #1: Woah dude..

by Spanky Mcspanky June 17, 2014

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Thomas Jefferson

A white male receiving oral sex from a black female.

I heard Thomas Jefferson got a Thomas Jefferson from Sally Hemmings!

by jordanshithead January 29, 2011

116πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

thomas bangalter

the all silver robot from Daft Punk.
He also did a cameo in Kanye West's Stronger Where Kanye Sampled From DAft Punk's Harder Better Faster Stronger.

Thomas Bangalter is Awsome for being in Daft Punk!

by dudeman1995 April 16, 2009

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