Give somone an orgasm via typing to them.
Want me to Type You Off?
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There are woman you marry & then there are woman you don’t!
Two types of woman!
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when you have type 1 diabetes (caused by your pancreas deciding to die out on a random shitty day of your childhood) , mixed with a fucking huge love for food, implying type 2 diabetes
random hoebag who thinks they’re funny: “yo diabetes! don’t eat that! you’ll get type 3 diabetes” courtney (diabetic) : “...”
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what would tyler durdens type (in women) be like?
person 1: “Hey! You’re looking good!”
person 2: “Thanks!”
idk this is a question lmao
tyler durden’s type
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You typed an extra period, dumbass.
Person 1: you should've typed Type any word....
Person 2: what an idiot.
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Using text on the internet for self-defense.
When someone says something discouraging, or personally harmful about your post, or character on the internet. (Usually in text.)
Respond with some type-kwan-do.
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Something which most atheists are. Homosexual type 1 is the highest level of gay that you can be.
Jimmy the atheist was a homosexual type 1. He regularly went to gay parades and got his anus fucked and gaped by random men. He would also regularly go onto to chat rooms to rant about how much sane and normal people hate gays. Well Jimmy, is it a wonder why so many people hate gays when you're out anal fucking each other in public?
Jimmy later responded to such replies by going out in public and shitting as one of his atheist friends anal fucked him simultaneously.
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