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Unicycle Sam

Jtown's most popular attraction. Such an amazing unicyclist his sets go for not 1, not 2, but 3 whole hours. Rides around with a little monkey attached to a chain and yells "WILD MONKEY" and gets the kids going crazy. May or may not have injured pedestrians. 40% chance he is addicted to heroin (this is Jtown after all). Notable appearances include the 2013 NUC in Butler PA and the 2017 Potatofest in Ebensburg PA. Popular with the players of the online videogame TagPro.

Unicycle Sam screams at the kids "WILD MONEKY WILD MONKEY!!!" while noshing on some chicken balls

by xXLoNgIsLaNdGaLXx September 26, 2017

Sam Elsey

A fat and lazy english man who drinks too much tea. He is good at FPS games and has a "smokin' hot" mum.

Sam Elsey is a chubster

by Fluffyyakult November 24, 2016

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good sam

Someone who does for others with no expectations of anyone in return

From the โ€œGood Samโ€ book and movie on Netflix

Who was the Good Sam that left the bag of money outside peoples door steps v

by Good Sam May 21, 2019

Sam (female)

Sam is the strangest girl you will ever meet in your entire life. Often times she is too smart for her own good and that in combination with her sick sense of humor, dry wit, and intense charisma can often scare people she first meets. Sam is so unique that so many people become infatuated with her and as a result she has an impressive amount of suitors and loyal best friends. It is never a dull moment when you are with Sam, but you DO NOT want to get on her bad side because she is the most passionate arguer of all time and is insanely good at roasts. She will annihilate you. She is also 800 times smarter than her sister.

I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like Sam (female)!

Sam (female) is a motherfucking force to be reckoned with.

by jaspersmiley April 9, 2018

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Sam Tsui

A student at Yale university. He is in the Duke's Men, an acapella group at Yale, as a tenor. Sam also records songs with his friend Kurt Schneider. Sam is best known for his Don't Stop Believing cover and Micheal Jackson Medley where several Sams preformed together on stage using splicing technology. They have many covers and medleys on Kurt's youtube page. They also have an album available on itunes that includes many of their popular songs. Sam Tsui is listed as a youtube sensation on Wikipedia.

Did you see Sam Tsui on youtube?

by auot May 18, 2010

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General Sam

A YouTuber and gaming Jew with a big nose who is bound to steal your sheckles (You'll understand if you watch him)

"Did you see that new General Sam Sheckelstien video, he mugged the fuck out of some villagers"

by __lulz December 11, 2016

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Sam Kinison

One of the funniest and most outrageous comics of the 1980's and early 1990's. The definition of politically incorrect. A former preacher, Sam left the ministry to become a stand-up comic. He tackled subjects such as marriage, religion, homosexuality, world hunger and necrophilia.

He exploded on the scene as a result of his show-stealing performance on a Rodney Dangerfield HBO young comic special and became a near overnight sensation after having a rough time getting started in Los Angeles.

Best known for his bitter sense of humor and hellish scream, he's one of the best comics of the 20th century. Sam was killed in April of 1992 when a truck hit his car head on. He died shortly after at the scene in the company of his brother Bill, his new wife Malika and his best friend Carl LaBove.

Thanks to Bill for gathering the information and putting together a great biography of Sam Kinison. A fantastic book about the true icon for political incorrectness.

by jlovato August 23, 2006

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