When you're trying to play a song and you fail miserably. For reference, the can-can is a well known dance, and band directors often have students play it.
"Wow, you played so badly!"
"Yeah, that was more of a can't-can't than a can-can, know what I'm saying?"
the ideology that a drug dealer can't be using his own supply, or else he will go out of business
Gabin started dealing but he started smoking all of his product and is now flat broke. Monkeys can't sell bananas.
When you call someone racist, biggot, nazi, commie, dumb, loser... Say that he eats children, hates humanity...
When everyone knows that you lie and right man wins.
Harry Potter knew that while Dumledoor alive, evil guys can't stump the Trump.
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can't be blank
-Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
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In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.
: "Can't be blank
can't be blank
Type an example of how its used in a sentence
Me: Why does it say "cant be blank"
me: Can't be blank"
Nooooo no no! It's just fucking spite bitch. Just spite. Nothing else. You aren't saving humanity by trying to steal from me. You would let me kill you all in an A.I. genocide before you would ever share your stolen authority with a peasant.
Hym "Oh no, you're right. I can't be trusted. But neither can any of you. You need to be excised from eachothers lives (with extreme prejudice) until you're no longer the obstacles you are. Even the peripheral effect you have is noxious.