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Talking Back

(1.) An asinine term said by fucked up authority figures, who think age should trump critical thinking, common sense, honest dialogue, or any sense of reasonableness.

There's a reason no adult accuses another adult of "talking back". It's as stupid as accusing a bird of chirping. If an adult wants to tell another adult they're being disrespectful, they use the term, "talking smack."

"Talking back" in contrast, is just the natural response anyone should expect, when they direct their words at another person. If someone does not wish to have a response to the things they are saying, furniture, inanimate objects, and non-human animals are available.

(2.) An adult example of regression, in which age is used as an excuse to not give an adult response, and instead basically tell someone to shut up.

Person A: Stop talking back to me sunny boy!

Person B: Okay. Your wish is my command. *executes 6 month vow of silence*

by Olive989 March 9, 2023


The act of going back and Liking someone's non-current photograph on Facebook or Instagram.

"You got an iPhone! Now you can go and back-like my most artistic photographs on Instagram."

"I think Donald has a crush on me...he just back-liked six of my profile pics!!"

"I just added Marsha on Facebook...I'll go and back-like a few of her selfies to make her feel awesome."

by newsvava September 3, 2013

Glitter Back

A derogatory term used for homosexuals when there are no Mexicans around for the rednecks to insult

Dammit man the country is filled with all these damn glitter back pansies that don't know which gotdamn bathroom to use... I'm tired of it

by ItchyBloodFarts May 6, 2020

Sweater Back

A person especially a man with a hairy back.

Friend : Dang, look @ Chet with out a shirt on he's got a gross hairy back.
You: Yeah, he's a fucking Sweater Back.

by Phil Dees October 1, 2019

two back

When you or your golf partner goes to reach for their wedge in their bag and realizes they left it on the green two holes back.

Me approaching the bunker on 16: “Fuck, I left my wedge two back! Stupid!”

Uses different wedge, misses putt, speeds off in anger to next tee, shanks drive and speeds off to retrieve wedge on 14.

by Falconskoch May 8, 2021

back wad

A wedgie

I have a gnarly back wad! Can u cover for me while I pull it?

by Saoirse456 April 23, 2020

bang back

Bang back means if somebody do something to you, you gonna do something back

Ay cuz they banged one of ours when he was sleeping we gon have to bang back

by God doesn’t lie May 9, 2020