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boof is the leader of words. you say it whenever with no context and it just works.

someone: *sniff* my mom died!

you: boof-

someone: YOU ARE DEAD
you: b o o f

by strangerrrrrlol February 12, 2021


The front desk girl who works at renowned fitness studio TS Fitness in Manhattan.

Wow Christina is such a boof, her Uber ratings 1 Star from blabbering on FaceTime for 20 minutes.

by Douche McFiggins December 8, 2018


a juul

Bro pass the boof

by NickDickFace October 6, 2019


A portmanteau of the words "buff" and "oof." Mainly used as a nickname for the buff Roblox noob.

Look at that person's avatar, dressed like a Boof!

by Mattjod July 30, 2021


Hitting someone lightly, not in an ill mannered way, just as a playful flirtatious way

I only boofed her, she's just being dramatic

by itsaud June 23, 2023


Name for a nicotine device such as a Juul.

Hey bro can I hit your boof?
Pass me the boof.

Big Boofer is such a legend.

by skeelye October 12, 2020


A cute, fun, cheesy word used as a nickname to call a lover, friend ect. in being silly.

Ex 1: I love you so much boof.

Ex 2: You're such a boof.

Ex 3: Hey boof wyd?

Boof, Boofs, Boofy, Boofiness,

by itstiffany June 14, 2021