The extreme version of Paper Bagging, where a person is so repulsive you slam a tin bucket on their head before engaging in sexual acts.
God damn that chick is so ugly I don't think a paper bag will suffice, may have to start Tin Bucketing
a person who’s really scummy whether it’s their actions or their overall nature
shit i feel like a scum bucket eating at ponderosa
wheelchair - when unable to remember this word I spontaneously uttered 'spaz bucket' instead. What a great thing the subconscious can be...
OMG, that woman's so fat she needs a spaz bucket!
The bucket/Jar gamers and long streamers use, when going to the bathroom. usually to pee into
Usually under the desk in a dark place.
-Oh no my "Gamer Bucket" is full, time to empty it.
- I think I need to use the gamer bucket, brb
The bucket/Jar gamers and long streamers use, when going to the bathroom.
Usually under the desk.
Oh no my "Gamer Bucket" is full, time to empty it.
a well used vagina that smells like fish and is sorta gooey
that chic is a clam bucket
A bucket used for defecating while in a truck (or other motor vehicle). For instance, while on a no-stop road trip or while involved in a police chase. See also baby bottle.
Earl: Pull over man, I gotta take a shit.
Jason: No way, the cops are right behind us. Just use the truck bucket.
Earl: Oh, right, I forgot about that.