Helene’s drink that brings all the boys to the yard.
Landon: Helene’s cold brew brings all the boys to the yard.
Helene: I know it does, it’s so good.
When a persons exhaled breath is visibly noticable, its Fogging Cold.
For Example: When I went outside to let my dogs out, I could see my breath and I knew it was Fogging Cold!
U look a hot ass mess outside like bitch check ya self
“U see that cold jug over there she look a mess sis”
Performing an act of necrophilia. Generally, when the body has been dead long enough to lose all body heat.
Did you know cold packing is not illegal in like 20 states?
Any temperature below 70 degrees F.
Melissa-Can you believe how beautiful the weather is today? It's a sunny 55 degrees
Angie- This is summer? Let me grab my sweater. It may be sunny, but that is Texan Cold sister. I'm not from Ohio.
When you had the flu or the cold and you recover from it, but still have a buildup of phlegm and mucus in your throat which makes you cough up into someones face. Then they somehow get sick even though you are no longer contagious and they blame it on you.
I am innocent and your accusations are bullshit, it's just a Phantom Cold for fucks sake!
Cold, very cold, Such unbearably low temperatures that two individuals must resort to random acts sodomy to keep warm.
It's buttfuck cold out here. I can't even feel my hands.