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A slang word to define a person named "Connor."

Cone has proven to be the superior name when speaking to a Connor, due to the fact that classifying a Connor with two-syllables is not worth the time.

Cone is a shorter, more appropriate, and more time-effective name.

"Cone! Get over here!"
"My legal and preferred name is Connor."
"Ok, Cone. Ok."

by g3b313 November 13, 2023


Cone is a tall fuck up. Someone needs to slap the cunt off his high horse.

Wow that tall guy fucked that thing up. Must be a Cone!

by Beepboopbapbamboom November 22, 2021


In memphis a cone means a junky or person who is always begging or asking for something or even a lame person

Guy 1:can I hit your blunt
Guy 2:no mane you a cone

by Guccifendi18 February 15, 2021


Memphis slang for a junkie or a fiend. Can also mean junkie or fiend type of behavior.

Mane be out there serving cones all damn night.

Mane out there coneing for weed and shit

by Bakob September 24, 2021


simply said: peder

p1: man look at that cone

p2: what a peder

by aljoša August 24, 2021


A type of material where you become traffic. Everyone needs life support in every use. Help someone when getting hit by a cone.

I have been hit by a cone and I need life support.

by Osjdmxxm June 30, 2018


The Conan Gray fanbase are referred to as "cones". A singular fan is a cone.

"Yeah, Conan is my favorite singer! Are you also a cone?"

by seltzersquid August 9, 2022