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Adam's Disease

The act of acting like a 'school girl' upon seeing the naked flesh of a women's breast region.

Girl: *naked* Are my boobs too small?
Boy: Eeeeeeeeeeeee~ *jumps up and down*
Girl: You must have Adam's Disease.

"So, what happened?"
"Well Doctor, I lost a liter of blood while staring at my girlfriends boobs."
"Ah, you must have Adam's Disease."

by Kingpoopoo October 14, 2011

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honeymooners disease

Another name for a uninary tract infection. More specfically a UTI from too much sexy time.

A women reads too much porny fanfiction and proceeds to have rough intercourse at a higher than normal rate causing her to get honeymooners disease.

by pandabear1975 August 30, 2009

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Shatass disease

persistent shitting of your ass. usually diahrea and/or mud butt

Damn! I keep shitting my ass.
Looks like you have Shatass disease.

by stu lanely April 7, 2006

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Smalls Disease

A person that masterbates 21 or more times a week. A person with smalls disease is usually over 6 feet tall and have the first name brendan, once you have this disease there is no turning back. Symptoms include; small dick, increase in height, and red har. If symptoms occur seek help immediately

Brendan i didn't know you had smalls disease, that is sick, go away.

by Kevin February 11, 2005

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Cornholer's Disease


Graphic example of Cornholer's Disease in action (,) <<<<@@

by Dr. Ion January 1, 2012

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Quill Disease

A sickness that suddenly comes upon former employees of Quill Corporation (or other people who they come into contact with). It inhibits their ability to come to work at their current (superior) job, or may cause them to suddenly need to leave early.

Symtoms may include fever, upset stomach, feeling tired after walking 60 miles, or just not wanting to go to work.

We suspect current Quill employees are suseptable to this disease as well, but it has not been documented.

Nicole: Guys, I need to leave early today, I feel sick to my stomach. I think I'm getting Quill disease.

by K0823 October 14, 2010

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minecraft disease

Pure cancer, but from the very popular game Minecraft instead of other things that create normal cancer.

Boy 1: Dude i think you got the Minecraft disease please see a doctor.


by Blaziken Master June 20, 2017

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