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Nobody knows what emo is.

Ive seen people who are depressed get called emo. If i could choose what emo is, it would be a depressed kid, but theres a whole lot of stuff on here saying that its about music and people that cut themselves and wear black. So, I dont think anybody really knows what it is.

I agree with the things that say that being a non-conformist is being emo now.

Being different is being the same.

Guy: Im Gonna be different and become emo
Guy 2: Me Too
Guy 3: Me Too
Guy 4: You're a Fuckin' idiot.

by mmmhmmmmmmmhmmmhmmmm April 2, 2009

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A word used by prejudiced no-hopers, to make themself feel better about their shallow labelling. Often used to describe music taste, fashion taste, depression, hair cuts, art and, wierdly enough, colours.

Basically anything individual or dark.

No-hoper:OMG! Those black jeans are soooo EMO!

"Emo":You were wearing the same pair last week.

No-hoper:OMG that music is sooo emo!

"Emo": I'm sorry, I shall run along and listen to Rihanna and derogatory rap now, shall I?

No-hoper: Do you like cut?

"Emo": Do you, like, have a mental problem?
*Walks off*

by Individualism August 5, 2008

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a phase wierd kids go through

Boy:Hey did you get nose piercing? GIRl:ya im EMO bruh

by lordshrekboy69 February 26, 2015

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fag trying to get attention by dyeing there hair black being antisocial with more self pity than bill gates has money

hey man that emo's ruining a grate party by thertning to kill himself after we ran out of punch.

by antiemo!!!!! August 14, 2008

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"i buy" in latin

i guess that suits it best-at least for what emo-core has become

emo disci- i buy records

by peppermintpatty February 26, 2009

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1. a music genre.
2. a "style".
3. a small chain of gas stations in southern Ireland.

1. dashboard confessional
2. guys dressing more like girls than girls do.
3. http://i9.photobucket.com /albums/a69/kassmaster/emo.jpg

by moodyk September 17, 2005

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many people think emo is a style or a stereotype, fuckk em,
emo is a state of mind,

u can feel emotional, but that doesnt mean u are emo.

by danibreee! April 18, 2009

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