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It means good in latin

A: Hey what did the roman’s say about the Colosseum
B: They say it’s Gucci

by NauticalOcean February 22, 2024


A feeling you get when you feel amazingly amazing
A word to describe how amazingly amazing something is

Dude that chick is hella Gucci

by ghvyufawd December 27, 2018


ugly and way too expensive

eww Gucci, it isn't worth it.

by you're definitely gay February 1, 2022


Said by someone delusional who things they are in and cool, flogs and douche bags word of choice.

Man, that John S in compliance is really Gucci.

by RandomGucci September 15, 2016


Good, lit
Gucci is that clothing line everyone likes cuz it is expensiveeee. Since Gucci is THAT great people decided to make the word mean "lit" and other words that mean that. Plus Gucci is from Italy, so if you see someone wearing Gucci you would KNOW they are rich.

Person 1: Dayummmmmm! I see with that Gucci!
Person 2: *starts flexing

by GucciC April 26, 2018


when ur mom gay

You are so gucci

by synonnym February 28, 2019


What people say to tell people that they are good, fine, ect. Most people who say this word are also known as retarded or degenerate.

I am so GUCCI but my dad beats me.

by Boonan September 26, 2018