Source Code

Joy Rising

The perfect alcoholic drink.

Passionfruit vodka + Cherrylimeade
A common mix found in Albuquerque, NM, USA and Sheffield, UK.

JOY RISING ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

by TKIPBKEMM July 24, 2011

Rich Joy

Soft hearted person, morena girl, and friendly to all. kind, smart, simple person, and sweet.

Rich Joy is good girl she help many people

by Stichyang July 15, 2022

joy city

When you get a bunch of guys that piss on you, and then shit on you whilst singing karaoke. As the song is about to finish you cum

Me and my friends like to joy city eachother on a Saturday night out.

by TheGreekFart44 March 18, 2024

Hunter Joy

When you’re on a date and driving around with an annoying girl and want to get rid of her. So you stop at a store, send her inside to buy something, Then drive away abandoning her.

Yeah she was not my type so I pulled a Hunter Joy

by Tj webb September 3, 2022

Hunter Joy

When you’re on a date and driving around with an annoying girl and want to get rid of her. So you stop at a store, send her inside to buy something, Then drive away abandoning her.

Yeah she was not my type so I pulled a Hunter Joy

by Tj webb September 3, 2022

Joy Balloons

A fine bare of breasts.

''Look at that pair of Joy Balloons''.

by The Actual Korn May 19, 2011

Joy Tamberlin

Joy Tamberlin is a woman who you never want to have as an enemy. You will be ever protected if she counts you as a friend, but if not, it's best that she just see you as landscape than to be her enemy. Joy Tamberlin floats through life with searing eyes, looking for her next calling like a super hero on steroids. She is a like a tornado when she finds a project, latching onto it with determination and prowess. You must either run from or to Joy Tamberlin, there is no standing still in her presence.

Joy Tamberline protected steriods enemy

by Gabriella Suzanna February 3, 2010