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Only the satellites know

The answer to all lifes quetions and mysteries.

Jack - Wheres my other sock.

Jill - Only the satellittes know.

James - John you were really pissed last night what happened after I left the party.

John - I was soo pissed Only the satellites know.

by vowvs November 4, 2012

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Love knows no bounds

A saying someone may say if they're wondering if cheating on a significant other counts IF the other woman is of a spiritual/ghostly origin.

'I was driven to madness by her beautiful glow inside the elevator; sorry honey!'

'....she WAS the librarian ghost from ghostbusters...so...free pass?'

'Darling..my love knows no bounds...I support all forms of life..I do NOT discriminate so...should I be getting you flowers..or?'

by A Minnesotan January 2, 2019

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nigga know it all

Nigga who knows it ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

"I mean you know" but but but..
You know I couldn't get a word in edge wise. Because of "Nigga Know It ALL!!" over here!!

by William P. Freely June 12, 2014

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know thy selfie

Really taking advantage and pleasure of ones own smart phones camera by turning it toward their personal focus of interest, usually their six pack abs or the shapely buttocks or other parts on ones own body and then posting it to the internet, removing ones self yet sharing at the same time.

To " know thy selfie" is the opposite of , to " know thy self".

by Invisiblescapes November 10, 2015

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know your wage

A person who has a meaningless, below average, minimum wage job, that doesnโ€™t take skill or talent to do.

The girl at McDonaldโ€™s fucked up my Diet Coke......she totally just showed her wage! Yep, Susie.....get it right....know your wage!

by Cassie from the C! July 2, 2019

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I know the truth

So it doesnโ€™t matter what people think.

I know the truth.

by Zatarainโ€™s Root Beer Drinker December 5, 2020

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I dont know

What your girlfriend says when she DOES in fact know

August: hey babe what do you want for dinner?
Susan: i dont know

by Skybluehoodie January 2, 2022

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