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Mrs. Fuglestad

A person who cannot say no or say an answer is wrong. Often because he or she does not want to make you feel bad.

Bill, "Clearly 2+2=5"
Mrs. Fuglestad, "I'm not sure, you might be right, I was thinking something else, but you might be right"

by re234 March 15, 2009

Mr. Dreidel

The jews version of santa, and is usually just a guy in a dreidel coustume.

Mom: look kids mr. dreidel is here with your presents!
Kids: No way, thank you mr. dreidel ive always wanted a disgusting noodle kugel!!!

by Hood safari November 15, 2016

Mrs. Sciorilli

The writer of the single most clutch set of APUSH notes in history

Person 1: Did you do your notes?
Person 2: Yeah man, I copied it from Mrs. Sciorilli

by yungcurry February 11, 2016

Mr. Barber

The assistant-principal who works hard to keep hats/hoods off heads in the halls of Twin Valley.

"Where did your hat go, Kevin?"
"Oh, Mr. Barber, took it."

by Bruh413 November 4, 2019

Mr. Twopunch

A YouTuber that might be Canadian and gets call Fea4less for some reason his real name is Pablo Picasso and likes doing giveaways on youtube

Hey Juan did you sub to mr. TwoPunch on onlyfans or on twitch

by InevitableGames January 20, 2021

Mrs Marcoochio

An 8th grade teacher at my school that won’t shut the hell up
She usually talks about stories that nobody is fucking interested in
She has a couple of nicknames including the following: Mrs. Marcoochio & Mrs. Marguccio

Mrs. Marcoochio: be quiet for 10 minutes and read! No movements even I won’t speak to you kids.
3 minutes later...
Mrs Marcoochio: Hey guys I’m gonna tell you this irrelevant story about my family!

by Krazybitchfrog May 15, 2019

Mr. Scillia

half credit

Mr. Scillia gave half credit on a test ah hell nah nigga

by gainty February 13, 2022