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cake mom

A female who possesses a dominatingly colossal butt; who can be a mother when needed, but also show you a good time. (Doesn't have to be a mom).

The moment I laid eyes on my future wife's cheeks I knew she was a cake mom.

by cakemom May 2, 2016

Meme mom

A meme mom is basically the mom of a group that really likes memes, or just a meme loving mom lol.

„She‘s the mom of this group, the meme mom, actually“

by iiinsertusername October 28, 2018


v. for a mother to force her offspring to perform tasks through her any means necassary; including superior mental and physical prowess ie. the guilt trip and the back hand
;similar to manhandle

"Don't make me mom-handle you!!!" or "I can't hangout. My mom is mom-handling me into cleaning my room."

by M.D. Thomas October 20, 2009

Mad Mom

A woman who has had the awesome pleasure of having a child, but who is quite livid with the circumstances surrounding her life. Circumstances include but are not limited to: dead beat dad's, non supportive family and/or friends, no job, job that doesn't pay enough, lack of help raising said child, etc. These circumstances cause the mother to become extremely irritated which causes a need for the mother to rant constantly.

Wow, her ex husband is a bum that won't help take care of their child and runs off with another girl. No wonder she is a Mad Mom!

by JMommy August 14, 2010

zoo mom

A person, usually a woman, who reads something factual and then tells other people about it in a condescending, or haughty, manner, pretending as if it was common knowledge. The phenomenon can be readily overheard zoos, where there are lots of moms, and lots of factual information.

Person 1: Wow, it's amazing how these wolves don't get cold on the snowy ground.
Zoo mom: They stay warm because they have a special system of veins and arteries in their legs that recirculates their body heat, instead of losing it to the ground.
Person 1: Oh, yes, I see that that is exact what that sign you just read says.

by HenryTheNavigator February 24, 2013

6👍 2👎

Santa Mom

when a mom or just any woman over decorates for Christmas

Look at all those lights! She's totally a Santa Mom.

by Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh help December 27, 2018

Manus's Mom

A term used to describe an unnatractive, nerdy. creepy mother.

Person # 1 : Eew . Is that Aaron's mom?
Person # 2 : Nah, that's Manus's mom!

by bringingHomeLaaBacon December 28, 2010