Someone who stays on the phone constantly, ignoring those around them.
Savannah is the world's biggest phone hoe!
1. Some one who has lost, or is in the process of replacing, their phone and has to borrow other peoples phone.
2. Someone who leaves their phone home when going out with friends to save their phone minutes by using the friends phone.
Mark was a phone hobo over a week while getting his new phone through work.
Jeff is such a phone hobo! Every time we go out his phone is back at his apartment - cheap ass!
The fake mental condition of constantly thinking your mobile phone is vibrating in your pockets, signalling a call or a message, when in reality, it isn't and there was no call or message. This leads to the phone owner constantly pulling their mobile phone out to check.
Person 1: -Checks Phone. Dude! I think have phone paranoia!
Person 2: Ah I've had that for ages, it's so annoying
Person 1: Definitely, i look like a fool always checking my phone.
A word used to describe the red plump man hole of phone guy, aka the character with a phone for a head that appears in the hit game, five nights at freddys, who the audience chose to woo over and make pregnant art of.
person 2:FR BRO, phone guy and his phone guyussy tho
When the teacher was out we made phone diapers cuz we were high and didn’t feel like having a threesome
A secondary phone that’s only use is to save and stream porn, your old phone may turn into this when purchasing a new one.
“I see you got a new phone, how much you wanna sell your old one for?”
“Nah bro, that’s my porn phone.”
When you're typign on yuor phone but your fat figners are too big for the tiny-as-fcuk kyes and yuo misspell evrey secodn word
A: hye mate, whta's up?
B: lol what?
A; sorry, fuckign phone fingers