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redneck fieldgoal

skeeting through the gapped teeth of a redneck bitch

I scored a redneck fieldgoal with Nick's girl last night

by tizzitties November 8, 2007

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Redneck Superglue

Redneck superglue is a nickname for duct tape. Which is often used to temporarily fix broken items around the house quickly, and cheaply, just long enough for professional help arrives to properly fix the problem.

Kevin: Hey man the pipe in my kitchen sink just sprung a leak, what should I do?

Bob: Wrap it in some Redneck Superglue, then call a plumber.

by Mr. Cannonball Jones September 9, 2011

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Polar Redneck

A redneck living in the northern portion of the midwest. They are easily identified by their snowmobile jackets, dirty baseball caps and scruffy goatees. Basically the same as a redneck, but since their polar location they have developed an affinity for snowmobiling, ice fishing and pulltabs.

"Check out the polar redneck wearing the ski-doo jacket, sitting at the bar wasting all of his money on pulltabs!"

by Big Daddy Kane 5150 April 8, 2009

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Redneck Screwdriver

Using Sunny-D instead of real orange juice to make a screwdriver.

We ran out of mixers last night so Jim and I drank redneck screwdrivers.

by Konrad43 May 18, 2009

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Mentally Redneck

Someone whose stupidity has gone beyond that of the lowest rednecks. One does not have to be a redneck to be "Mentally Redneck", but just so stupid that rednecks look rather intelligent in comparison.

Jack has no idea of what he is doing, i swear he is mentally redneck, he is doing the complete opposite of what he needs to be doing, and is failing at even THAT.

by Sramazan August 28, 2015

Redneck Colonic

Someone who is to poor to get a regular colonic in which they use the jet streams from a hot tub to siphon water in and out of ones butt.

Kara: Michelle I have a really hot guy taking me out on a date tonight. Do you mind if I come over and get a Redneck Colonic from your house real quick?

Michelle: Yes I do.

by SaltyIguana January 21, 2010

redneck layaway

The act of storing or hiding an item at a store that you can’t afford at the moment so that you can come back and purchase them later.

Person 1: β€œThat things pretty expensive. You sure you want to buy it right now?”

Person 2: β€œNah, I’ll just do a redneck layaway.”

by AndyJaeven April 20, 2018