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Like saying retarded except when talking to or near a person with the name rick.

That is so rick-tarded

by skatezero872 December 15, 2007

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rick james

a dude who fucks with charlie murphey

so he comes in there n im like look bitch im rick james

by ryan123 December 23, 2005

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rick james

A dumbass that continually pissed of Charlie Murphy.

"I should have never gave you niggas money."
"The milk's gone bad"
"Show me those tittas... Im Rick James"
"Buy yourself a new couch mother fucker.. Im Rick James"

by Mo March 12, 2004

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The Rick James

A sex act where a man does a doggystyle with his girl (who is preferably wearing a wig) and suddenly snatches the wig off his girl and puts it on his head. He proceeds to doggystyle his girl while screaming "I'm Rick James BITCH!".

I did the Rick James on my girl and she doesn't like me anymore, i don't know why.

by MoneyPants123 October 16, 2018

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Rick's Roll

When a person has worked for several mildly successful tech companies and now has enough money to create a backyard theme park. This person would have risen to the level of having a "Rick's Roll" and thus can build a private playground.

Did you see our neighbor get a basketball court installed?! Ya, he got a "rick's roll" now, next thing to go in will be the go kart track.

by DthreeD August 28, 2018

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Rick roulette

A dangerous game in which one man makes a playlist on Spotify containing one "never gonna give u up" by Rick astley and five other songs of choice. The men then put the playlist on shuffle play, pass the phone around and whoever gets rickrolled first is either kicked from the game or made to drink straight vodka until he has to go to the hospital for a stomach pump

"Bro u up for a game of rick roulette?"

"Nah man I'm not up for a stomach pump tonight"

by Vladimir Gluten June 27, 2021

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Being totally FUBAR. Being totally unsatisfied with something.
Cut the "Jaust" out to cut make it less extreme.

Bill:"how are you doing
Bill:"Im getting quite Jaust-Rick myself"
Ron:"Fuck you too"

"That ref's bad call just made me rick"
"Bout to be rick"
"One more red light and this is gunna be Jaust-Rick"

by Cunty Farmer March 10, 2009

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