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chacking sound

A sound some people make when they are sleeping. No words are exchanged just weird sounds that sound like someone smacking their lips or chewing gum really loud. Sound goes "ch k ch ch ch"

I swear Jake won't stop those chacking sounds when he's a sleep. It sounds like a cow.

by pbbts April 27, 2022

wrote this while sounding

im writing this while sounding

jimbob : wrote this while sounding


by WinnieLemon August 28, 2024

sound horse

When a female is better than a bro at being solid.

She listens to me! She is a sound horse!

by DamnitDarci December 26, 2022

4 sounds

The "4 Sounds" are, "Geh Dah Fuh Kout." An incomplete sentence urging one to leave in guttural tones. Sometimes used as a clichéd expression of surprise in popular movies.

He did what? Got 4 Sounds for dat, "Geh Dah Fuh Kout!"

by Cosmic Dime Store Philosopher April 2, 2016

dude, your sounds on

what you say when someone's bubble shooter game's sounds on!

amanda's computer: ping! ping! whoosh! ping!
everyone: who's sound's on?
amanda: ...(admiting of nothing)
everyone: dude, your sounds on!!

by roxy 4 $ August 18, 2011

car sound

POPPING – Sharp, explosive sounds can be described as popping and usually aren't as loud as banging. ... RUMBLING – Almost a roar, but sounds like it's far away. SCRAPING – Usually a high-pitched jeet-jeet sort of noise that speeds up as the vehicle speeds up. Kind of like a chirp, but more metallic

Wow! That is a very nice car sound.

by Verycoolboy October 14, 2020

Ryan Ryan, why you crying? Ryan Ryan, sounds like you're dying. Ryan Ryan, change your butt now! Ding ding ding ding ding!

A song that my parents would sing to me when I was like 3 to get me to be quiet.


My dad: Ryan Ryan, why you crying? Ryan Ryan, sounds like you're dying. Ryan Ryan, change your butt now! Ding ding ding ding ding!


by Retard_Ryan March 9, 2023

1👍 1👎