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strawberry nipples

the sexy, juan ricardo's luscious nipples.

when i pinned him against the wall, his strawberry nipples were sharp enough to cut glass.

by Morgana December 11, 2003

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Strawberry Blond

Not a ginger. Strawberry Blonds do not consider themselves gingers, and will take that as an insult. Strawberry blonds are not weird and soulless like gingers, and can actually get a tan.

"Look at that ginger over there, I bet she is hella weird."

"Thats not a ginger, thats a strawberry blond, therefore she isn't a freaking weirdo"

by gtfomd January 9, 2019

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Strawberry Trombone

Jacking a guy off while licking his bloody anus.

Yo Todd, I really enjoyed giving you a Strawberry Trombone last night - yum!

by Mr. Happysad February 9, 2013

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Strawberry patch

Having group sex with multiple strawberry blondes.

Hey baby can we take a trip to the strawberry patch tonight?

by the cook July 8, 2012

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Strawberry Picker

the act of retrieving a bloody tampon from a girls vagina and fucking them til your cock falls off mid way through that horrific time of the month.

"Me and the fellas went strawberry pickin' last night and they were as ripe as veronica vaughns ass"

"Me mates call me strawb, short for strawberry picker, coz i pick heaps of strawberries"

by qball da blumpkin king November 10, 2017

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strawberry bollock

a large red bollock

mine large and red hung and hairy ie a strawberry bollock

by jay12344321123 July 11, 2006

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Strawberry laces

The act of a girl having her period during sex, thus making the pubic hairs on the vagina red and stuck together like strawberry laces. Then the male partner then sticks his tongue into the gooey warmth of vagina causing many groans from his partner.


James: oho! Strawberry laces? Nice...

Slurp. Splish.

Susan: oaaoohaaao YES YES YES!

Next morning

James: Susan gave me strawberry laces and she moaned like a wilder beast

by Mansbestfriend June 23, 2013

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