When you're mostly straight but sorta gay but not sure how much, so you are a percentage gay just like ground beef. Ie; 85/15, 93/7, 75/25
Hey man, are you gay?
I'm ground beef gay, definitely a percentage, just not sure how much!
A phrase should be used to warn an over-imaginative friend.
Derek: Hey check this.. I'm gonna buy a super-yacht includes naked women,hot tub,free massage and no last call 24/7 365, I feel that I can make it !!
Josh: Derek, Feel the ground!
When you're out fishing with the boys and you've taken a shit somewhere. You let them know that there's a ground trout nearby.
Hey Jimmy, there's a ground trout on the path over there!
Alternative saying of weed / marijuana
Broski: Ayeee bro wanna get like fuckeddd upppp
Homie: Yea bro lets hit some ground puff
a game from chowder that involves no winning
its bad luck not to say the whole name
how many times do i have to say there is no winning in Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.
the karma what criminals deserves, even families seeing them crimes, they sentenced to rooms and no fun complete strict
ex: Makes Criminal Users Gets Grounded
ex2: Cyberbully alert
Ex: I Don't give a shit