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Ground beef gay

When you're mostly straight but sorta gay but not sure how much, so you are a percentage gay just like ground beef. Ie; 85/15, 93/7, 75/25

Hey man, are you gay?
I'm ground beef gay, definitely a percentage, just not sure how much!

by VinegarBabySnaps November 24, 2022

feel the ground

A phrase should be used to warn an over-imaginative friend.

Derek: Hey check this.. I'm gonna buy a super-yacht includes naked women,hot tub,free massage and no last call 24/7 365, I feel that I can make it !!
Josh: Derek, Feel the ground!

by barnito September 24, 2009

ground trout

When you're out fishing with the boys and you've taken a shit somewhere. You let them know that there's a ground trout nearby.

Hey Jimmy, there's a ground trout on the path over there!

by CasualConn June 27, 2018

ground puff

Alternative saying of weed / marijuana

Broski: Ayeee bro wanna get like fuckeddd upppp
Homie: Yea bro lets hit some ground puff

by DaffyDuckler April 9, 2019

Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.

a game from chowder that involves no winning
its bad luck not to say the whole name

how many times do i have to say there is no winning in Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.

by StepJoe July 28, 2023

Criminal Users Gets Grounded

the karma what criminals deserves, even families seeing them crimes, they sentenced to rooms and no fun complete strict

ex: Makes Criminal Users Gets Grounded
ex2: Cyberbully alert
Ex: I Don't give a shit

by jacob.anthony00@gmail.com February 3, 2022

pants on da ground

Pants on da ground,duh

yousa pants on da ground

by LegenadryLegend21 December 29, 2016