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Greater Canada

Its like canada but bigger or something

Person 1: I like men.
Person 2: Are you from Greater Canada?
Person 1: What the fuck are you talking about?

by Greater Canada March 17, 2023

Noah Canada

A person with a whole lotta freedom in his stomach, and enjoys doing the truffle shuffle with a big coke and some nacho cheese Doritos.

โ€œDang that Noah Canada guy is really funnyโ€

by DrewCRZYYYYY April 21, 2023

spicy canada

Another term used for Mexico

Have you heard of spicy Canada?

by Zendejas rat April 16, 2020

Canada's History

(Noun) A sex act performed primarily in the continental U.S. which involves the use of a cup, preferably Stanley's, some form of lubricant, generally syrup, and the boney appendages of an idiotic ungulate that is associated with the country upon which the sex act is named after. The act begins by filling the cup with the syrupy goodness that is maple nectar, then pouring it upon a naked U.S. citizen while screaming "were not going to take it!!" Then the two, or 15, individuals involved in the act take the boney appendages, spank each other with them, and commence to get down and dirty (generally moosey style). Can be performed on a ice rink

I can't come into work today I'm too traumatized, we had Canada's History last night.

by jbeatmyfunkmeat February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sex act so vile it is banned in many countries and only one person has been brave enough to mention it on TV: Stephen Colbert.

Not much is known about it because so very few people have actually performed it. It is rumored that "putting it all in" is the hardest part.

Canada's History fetish films may be seen online.

by fortunefaded February 5, 2010

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Canada's history

A sex act so depraved, that it could not be described in detail on cable television. It involves moose antlers, a jug of maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup. It is widely held that the moose antlers are used to sodomize two males simultaneously while they jerk off using maple syrup as lube, and both cum into the Stanley Cup. It is at this time that a third party will drink the semen from the Stanley Cup and gurgle the words: Canada's History. This act was originally created and performed by Steven Colbert of the Colbert Report.

Man, that party was crazy. That part with the Canada's history totally blew my mind, and ruined the party completely. That Steven Colbert guy is sick.

by The Report February 5, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

A crazy sex act that cannot be spoken of on tv involving moose antlers, maple syrup, and the Stanly Cup.

I just gave her the craziest canada's history of her life!

by colbertfan813 February 5, 2010

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