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The incompetent boepboy. Obesity runs in your blood aswell as milkshakes. Nice mirror, smol piel. Skew nipples. Sharp jaw line, might give u a paper cut if your not careful.

"Hey did you see that fuckboy Dean?"

by ___D___ June 7, 2019



Gay is people like Dean being gay

by Dean is... May 28, 2019


The most amazing person in the work get all the hot girls and is really cute and he has a huge dick

Dean is so cute and I want to date him

by Panda nation April 7, 2018



Dean is cringe

by Jamescarty07 January 14, 2022


He is the prettiest, The hottest and the best person you could ever imagine. He is not like a brother, boyfriend or so, he is like your whole familly in one person. If you dont habe Dean in your life, i don't know what you are waiting, but get yourself a Dean. He will never let you down andhe will alway make you smile even in toughest day.

Hannah: OMG did you see that guy there, he have blonde hair and stunning blue eyes like shy and ocean mixed together.... and his smile... OMG so pretty!
Emily: OMG yes! Thats Dean and he is the hottest guy known we gotta get ourselfs a Dean aswell!
Hannah: Yes! Lets go!

by AboutDean September 14, 2021


Alright mate?

Hi Dean”
Alright mate?”

by Pizza Salad November 23, 2021


Big chungus. He is the Biggest Loser, lying E-BOY I know that issa #cloutchaser he doesn't have a big pp and in fact, it looks like Neapolitan ice cream with 3 different colors... he probably has a pet that he neglects (which he got cuz he thought it was cool but now that era is over can we get an F in the chat?) and thinks he has a body count... (he dont) when you look at him sometimes it fills you with regret. he can be funny tho not gonna lie but doesnt make up for him evil doings he is also sometimes (mostly) and perv >:((((((

Gorl: omg his pp is so SMALL....

Me: Dang girl it can't be as small as a DEAN's pp

Gorl: dang u rite u rite

by asdfghjk1234324 August 1, 2019