a redbull nos drinking, dead space playing, girl loving BAMF.
hey, did u know hunter turner can drink 2 root beers in 1 1/2 minutes?
Someone who engages in hunting for the sole purpose of posting pictures of themselves hunting on social media. Contrary to popular belief, the Instagram hunter is not actually a skilled hunter and tend to purchase expensive equipment compensate for their lack of hunting ability.
Conner- "Zach, stop taking so many selfies, we're trying to hunt."
Zach- "Just one more, how else are people supposed to know I'm hunting?"
Conner- "You're such an Instagram hunter."
A) To hunt triangles
B) used towards the female in reference to her "triangle "
I'm on the hunt for some triangles
Does this haircut make me look like a triangle hunter?
Is there a haircut that will help me get more triangles?
A person who marries a farmer for the purpose of obtaining quota.
Everyone know that Ashley was such a quota hunter
"Oh, it's him.", is how most people refer to a Hunter Lewis.
A primal hunter is someone who likes to pretend to be a predator/ hunter hunting their sexual partner
It is a way to show dominance
“I’m totally a primal (hunter) in bed”
People who join singles dating websites seeking sex not relationships.
Everytime I meet a guy from the website he turns out to be a fuck hunter and not a sincere single man looking for a relationship.