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An emoticon typically used to say "cute" or to agree with something

Friend: hey look at this cute thing
Me: UwU
Friend: OwO

by __hiya_friend__ October 19, 2019


Meant to be an emoticon symboling a face of delight. This emoticon is vastly hated all over the internet and I am one of those people. This emoticon is used by gacha kids and just no.


by urbanaddictionary0 July 22, 2021


a word that's supposed to be a face like :) or something like that but to my dearest friend who thinks its the most dirty thing to say and it SOOOO INAPPROPRIATE and very annoying to say (oo-woo)

twitch streamer: UwU
some guy: GET HER!

by Xx.deez_nuts.xX November 26, 2021


a word used to describe a cuteness overload.

hey, that girl right there is cute UwU

by GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGwellPLayed April 3, 2020


when you are a weeb and try to react calmly to a text message because you are too lonely to know how to interact with social beings and you feel as if you're flattered.

Person1: ur cute
Person2: UwU

by soviet---union June 12, 2020


the word you say if you want to get beaten the shit out of, and which furries always say

im gay as UWU

by bigblacksexyman69420 September 13, 2021


stop, die.

Weeb: So UwU!

by reyyyyy March 23, 2021