Source Code

purple toe

an imaginary disease I made up to get out of work usually lasts one day... usually

Friend: hey you didn't go to work yesterday

Me: na man I had Purple Toe
Friend: ouch did it hurt

Me: no
Friend: is your toe still purple
Me: it was never was

Friend: oh ok? glad your feeling better
Me: thanks

by marc0fthebeast December 6, 2011

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purple cum

cancer, usually caused by intercourse with a Tianna.

keep your legs crossed, you don't want purple cum.

by gingie.hippie May 9, 2017

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Purple cheek

When you slap a girls ass so hard that it bruises, or a guys... If your into that stuff.

Guy 1: "Yo dude, go give that bitch a purple cheek!"
Guy 2: "nah man last time I gave her one she couldn't sit for a week."

by Call me Caitlyan April 22, 2016

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purple mountain

A purple mountain is when you eat lots of berries specifically blueberries and strawberries then take a poo in your hand and ejaculate on he top of it and slap someone in the face with it.
This was created by Aidan Watkins and James Doyle

purple mountain

by james and aidan March 7, 2012

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Purple Haze

some sick weed. Its got some purple tone to it. Its doesnt have anything added to it, but some people call pcp purple because u get messed up pretty good, but its not. Pretty expensive, and again there is nothing in the real purple, i smoke that shit everday. Also called piff (that FIYAH). Check the example for that pb j an shittt

my nigga sheist got me pifft out my brain rite now, that purple thats wat it is, yea, yea brazi i see u ova there too, that peanut butter jelly no bread u already kno, holla atcha boy

by Hi-JiNx January 22, 2005

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Purple Elephant

Grabbing a guys sack and applying force, resulting in extreme pain

Ben gave Tom a purple elephant... and liked it

by Alexander the Great 7 May 14, 2006

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Purple Wizard

When your boo's taking a shower, exits from the door to the bathroom with they robe still on and you're in the door with your erect dick out and proclaim "YOOOOU SHALLL NOT PASSSS" and ya pork 'em good.

"I can't believe he pulled a purple wizard on me last night, Joan -- I've haven't felt that sexually vivacious in decades!"

by Princess of Armenia March 30, 2015

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