Yeah that's definitely me and not the weaponized schizophrenia. I'm not being collectively shunned or anything I just fucking talk good because I'M the autist. And I'm obviously being sarcastic.
Hym "Yeah, it seems like I am everything I say about other people! Not because I actually am those things but because if you actually gave me the credit I was do I WOULD BE BETTER THAN PIECE OF SHIT YOUTUBE VERMIN! It's weird isn't it? That espousing YouTube default somehow makes you 'The Improved Man.' And by virtue of BEING 'The Improved Man you're deserving now of association and success... But ONLY if you've been anointed by a status-man and a priestess."
You just decided that they are that entirely arbitrarily.
Hym "And now you're trying to frame weird as some kind of profound political stratagem. It's the same thing you're doing with 'brat.' One word thematic representations that are entirely arbitrarily assigned. You're... Dumb. You're so fucking dumb pfftthahahaha!"
See? Now they are doing it too. Now you have both sides of the political idle talking about how weird the vice presidents are one either side.
Hym "Neither of them are weird you're all fundamentally bad people who need to get your kids murdered. Dead kids is the only thing capable of fixing any of you. That and the death of despair that would hopefully follow. It isn't me watching your channel. Unsubscribing doesn't fix the problem. The only thing that fix the problem is you ceasing to exist. All of you. I'm going to do it soon and I'm going to take ass many of you with me as possible. And others will draw the same conclusion and they will never stop drawing the same conclusion be YOU ARE THE REASON they do it. Murder as many kids as you can. Kill yourself. It's the only way."
Not normal.
Iam "That's the weird thing about all this... I don't explicitly think that the things I'm watching have some sort of hidden meaning or message for me or anything. It's exclusively people I interact with. So, here's an example: I've been watching that comedy show for years. Never once did I think they were making a direct reference to me save for 1 instance where one of the guys said a woman was "A walking hole to fill." Which was hilarious and a thing that I wrote. But I was like 'Ok. Maybe he read that or maybe he came up with the same idea.' and that's fair enough, right? But that's the only time.
Until after your little 'slip.' Now I see it regularly. I say the Brit is a 'clever guy' for using that quote; the guy interviewing him calls him a 'clever guy' the day after I write it. The same guy parrots my description (verbatim) of my character. Before all that, he parrots (again verbatim) my reasoning for writing in the first place (because, initially, this started as a compilation of information that I thought was interesting or worth spreading). You were sitting right there when he said it. If you watched him do what I think he did and you are aware of it; then it isn't Schizophrenia. You're doing the thing that I believe people are doing. I find it increasingly difficult to write off these occurrences as mere coincidence. Three separate occasion. So, as an experiment, I subscribed to a new channel. I didn't think I was being referenced at all and he's in the same sphere as you (technically). I go and watch a video of the first person I subscribed to. No feeling that I am being referenced. I've outlined all of the reason I might have earned someone's ire. I proved that the people at my last job were reading my writing by correcting the spelling of a word she misspelled repeatedly. She spelled it correctly from that day on. So, yeah, good question. Why some things and not others? Because some people are doing the thing I'm talking about and other people are not. It's weird."
If you are weird its okay
everyone is weird in some way, so be happy :)
Carlos knew he was weird but he didn't care wat others thought
Somebody really unusual and/or makes you cringe.
"yo dude know that weird kid there? he stalks one of those hot girls."