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window of assportunity

The window of time between relationships when someone is weak, vulnerable, and easily fucked.

Justin: "So, I heard that Angie is leaving her husband"

Steve: "Really?! I'm going to have to get moving so I don't miss my window of assportunity!

by newsteve August 12, 2011

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window shade

(n.) According to dictionary.com, "an opaque fabric mounted to cover or expose a window."
Window shades come in many different sizes and shapes, and several different designs exist. During long, hot summers, window shades are a necessity for any inhabitable home. They provide safety, security, and cool air. Two types of shading exist, internal and external. External shading is more desirable due to its higher energy efficiency. However, internal shading blocks out more of the rays. Now why in God's name did I just waste 15 minutes defining a friggin windowshade????

Window shade are so cool that they were the last thing you'd expect to be defined on urbandictionary.com!

by ijustlivehere March 11, 2006

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Window Tinting

When one spooges on a female or male's eyeglasses.

I forgot my condoms last night so when I had to pull out I panicked and totally started window tinting Sheila.

by Todetta October 26, 2011

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windows update

Something that a bunch of hyped up on Starbuck's coffee Bill Gates employees should have thought of in foresight

Bob: Hey Chris, let's run down to Starbuck's and then go by the office supply store on the way back. I wanna get one the new Star Trek pocket protectors while they have some left.

Chris: Yeah, that sounds cool dude. Let's just blow all this off. We can always make like a Windows Update type thing for this shit.

Bob: Haha..yeah. hahaha

Chris: Yeah, haha. Screw this. Hey, I got first dibs on the Warf pocket protector...

by Super Gerbil October 30, 2003

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An offensive term meaning a retard, someone who licks windows.
Comes from when people with learning disablities etc go on coach trips, it is a common belief that they lick windows.

Random kid 1: *Falls over*
Random kid 2: God, you're such a window-licker!

by JeffIsGoingToHell August 20, 2009

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Windows Vista

A recently released version of windows that mac idiots often bash for its supposed errors. All of the critics of vista usually have not used the os at all, but just feel cool for crying and wishing mac was better. Mac=emo, nonconformists, crybaby hippies. Vista=mainstream,

Mac: Dude Windows Vista sucks it has errors narr!!!!
PC: You should probably learn how to use a computer.
Mac: Lets save the world, vista is stupidd!!! narrrrkkk!

by big poppy33 March 7, 2009

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Windows XP

the best Os yet by microsoft, but there alot of compatibility issues with older programs, other than that it is sick. with remote desktop in xp pro i can be in school and listen to my mp3s.

xp wont last as soon as long horn is released

by JeVoNeR December 10, 2003

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