A term used within the online series "Yo Mama!", a series founded by Zack James and Alex Negrete, in where the fictional character Brody Foxx, will yell "XBOX LIVE!!", insulting mothers who think Xbox Live is a concert.
YO MAMA SO STUPID, she bought tickets to XBOX LIVE!!!!. Get it, cuz she thought it was a concert.
An unimaginable amount of time
Bro. I couldn’t find my phone for Xbox hours . My mom said I left it in the garage
Someone that is not worth asking to come out because there’ll always be a reason why they can’t. Yet they are always able to be on Xbox
God man.. Luke is such an Xbox friend nowadays it’s annoying.
an xbox version of a discord kitten
hey stugene did you hear about clive. i heard he fell inlove with a girl on warzone hes such a lordherc3087 on xbox
A guy on Xbox who has a short temper but doesn’t want to fight. They can get extremely violent very fast, and calms down at a random pace each time he does. He is apart of a group called Ham, and loves technology and gaming, and makes YouTube videos and will post to other locations too.
One of my Xbox friends are Xbox 360#3962
A day in which you play and celebrate xbox
Will and jay celebrated xbox day
Something that happened to keagan
Lol nigha got catfished Xbox