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The excessive lip smacking and/or noises made while a minority is eating

Hey Larry, I can hear that Jiggaboo monkey-chomping over there!

by IH8Libs November 4, 2021

Chizzle monkey

I man or a women who likes a good old sniff of the finest whiff but doesn’t know when it is time to call it a day or night/ days or nights. Step away from the chizzle monkey!

Fucking he’ll mate you still up at it ?how many legs have you nailed? You’ve been a right chizzle monkey haven’t you !

by Woodbinetheshep August 25, 2023

Bronze Monkey

The mixing of a 40 and a orange MD (MadDog) This is a variation of the Brass Monkey

Hey, man we are out of OJ. Just mix the 40 with your orange MD and make a Bronze Monkey.

by MasterGofen December 7, 2011

salt monkey

A dirty Caribbean, isn't a person, should die , only lives on the coast, constantly covered in sand or dirt

Jack sparrow is a salt monkey

by Pbdjakfbdkd December 13, 2022

Monkey Hunting

Monkey Hunting is a term used when a larger girl goes after a smaller skinnier guy

My mom when Monkey Hunting last night

by 2potatoman2 August 31, 2023

Melon monkey

A female who generally acts like a primitive ape

Person A: I use Twitter
Person B: Shut up, melon monkey!

by skoooping September 6, 2020

dA fUnKy mOnKeY

1) A user of gaiaonline who can reguarly be seen in the GD. Laid back and very kind but don't piss her off or she will throw a shoe at you!
2) A silly monkey who likes to get down and dance
3) a person who is down with the funk
4)pure awesomness and sweet as honey too

Oh Mel is dA fUnKy mOnKeY !

by KitKatFormbrickBrak March 23, 2009