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Spring Hill High School

A wild place in Eastern Kansas where you can see the basic white girl in her natural habitat. Where all the girls think they're country because they think Sam Hunt and Thomas Rhett are hot. A place where more white people say the n word in an hour than Samuel L Jackson did in Pulp Fiction. A place where vapers think they run the school. Where boys vandalize the bathroom because they think it's funny.

Man 1: Why's the bathroom locked?
Man 2: Some dumbass from Spring Hill tried to take the mirror off the wall.
Man 1: What an idiot.

Man 1: I smell cotton candy! There must be a fair nearby!
Man 2: No, that's just the douches at Spring Hill High School who think it's cool to vape.
Man 1: What a bunch of assholes.

by Timmy Shea November 27, 2019

Plum High School

A school in Pennsylvania where all the students are either spoiled, homophobic, transgender, fake, or weird. Fights happen a lot, and the teachers barely do anything about it. Most of the kids talk about killing themselves for attention. The girls bathroom is always packed with druggies. The boys bathroom is always a shit show with broken stalls or paper towels thrown everywhere. Master Faggot and Colonel Nut Sack are always the ones catching people smoking in the bathrooms but wont even snitch on one of their own students. Students don’t know how to drive or walk. The schools just an overall shitshow. They don’t know how to keep their students in line. They suspend up to 10 students a day for small things that don’t even matter. You can find bullets on the buses and hear kids talking about shooting up the school, but it never happens cause they’re a bunch of bitches.

“Dude Plum High Schools such an awful school. Did you hear about-“
“The 7 kids that got suspended? Yeah i know”

“dude how’d you know i was gonna say that”
“we go to the same school dumb fuck

by Fuckplum57 November 4, 2023

Amundsen high school

A school made for the mentally ill. The girls are bitches and the boys don’t know what deodorant is. There’s a fight every day and you will want to kill your self on day one.

Amundsen high school is ghetto asf

by P1X1 September 9, 2023

viewforth high school

the wemen at this school have no ass (except miss waddle she got asss)

viewforth high school

mom 1 my son should go here he

dad 1 he wont like it the woman dont have ass
mom 2 your disguisting

by miss waddle is a fityy February 3, 2025

Elk Grove high school

A high school located in elk grove village IL full of hot Cheeto Latina girls with fake eyelashes and suburban gangster Edgars who can't go without saying the N word every sentence. You usually spot these Edgars in their natural habitat such as the bathrooms, and Lions park smoking like it's their last day on earth. The school is known for also having a garbage football team.

Typical day in Elk grove high school
Edgar 1 in the bathroom: Damn bro my banana gorilla kush cart ran out
Edgar 2: It's okay bro I got a Strawberry moon galaxy Zaza cart here.
Edgar 1: Damn we finna get all the bad girls now
(Security radio approaching the bathroom)

by IntellegentEdgar February 22, 2023

Lemont High school

Lemont High school is one big school in a boring town where half the time you go to the bathroom you see a kid hitting his nic stick 3000. everytime you walk in the hallway you see a group of trumpies and whole emo band.

what school you go to.
Lemont high school
lol get fucked

by April 29, 2022

Lemont High school

Lemont High school is one big school in a boring town where half the time you go to the bathroom you see a kid hitting his nic stick 3000. everytime you walk in the hallway you see a group of trumpies and whole emo band.

what school you go to.
Lemont high school
lol get fucked

by April 29, 2022