the bag that heroin users keep all there heroin tools in.
go grab the shady bag. i need my set and spoon.
A randomization system that selects each element one by one, not re-selecting an element until they've all been selected, wherein this process is restarted. Hence the name, it can be thought of as pulling each element out of a bag at random until the bag is empty, then refilling or replacing the bag with an identical one and repeating the process.
A randomization process named n-bag randomization has n elements (for example, 5-bag randomization has 5 elements, 8-bag has 8 elements, and 14-bag has 14 elements).
Tetris is a famous example of bag randomization. It provides each Tetrimino (piece) once every 7 times.
-Hey, do you want to go get something to eat?
-- No thanks. I have to go to CVS and pick up some boner bags for my date with sally tonight.
Geting hit in the balls with a Glock magazine.
Hey mag my bag. 33 rounds please
Means crazy af unbelievable
That super bowl was sushi in a bag!!
A whore bag is somebody who just absolutely fucking sucks
yo, brandyn is a fucking whore bag, honestly just a piece of shit!