renton high school is one of the schools that you dont wanna go to bout ghetto asff. also a thing called “ mexican vs black “ where i stg every year they fight lmfaoo. 😭 * during class i kid u not u go walk around the school u see a mexican couple kissing in the corner* . im from renton where that bitch idk her name gets pregnant every 2 weeekz “ i thucked up thkubba tay” ass mf . the end
In the heart of Vienna Madison is full of a bunch of rich kids. That’s all you need to know tbh. That are all a bunch of stoners who would do anything for some weed. They are pretty good at sports I’ll give them that. Their main rival is Marshall High School kinda a bummer that their girls varsity and freshmen basketball lost to them :/ everyone lost respect for them at that point. All their parents buy them new cars whenever they get their license. Most likely a white Jeep or something basic like that. They are all a bunch of rich white kids who are trust fund babies and they all probably have like a beach house or smthn like that. Yeah hey also have this Madison parade every year and shit down the main road in Vienna which is actually complete bull shit because they’re are other people in the world but they seem to not care ab that. In conclusion it’s just a bunch of rich white drugees who actually aren’t that smart :/
Common phrases include:
“Wanna go to lax unlimited with me after school”
“Bruh I hate Spanish sf much lets j skip and go to chipotle”
“Where we pregaming at?”
“Who’s got the vodka boys?!?”
Common names include
Aiden (any spelling)
Rylie (any spelling)
Any other rich white person name
Did those Madison High School hoes shut down maple again?
A school based in Madison Heights, MI that consists of Freshman that think they're the shit just because they got pussy wiped by upperclassmen, Sophomores who drive illegally because they took segment one of drivers ed, Juniors that think they're the all-around shit but in reality they receive gonnarhea from Sophomores and Seniors at Lamphere High School. Then there's the senior class that is just lame but don't really start stuff because they know their place.
The Girls in the school are always yelling out "Brotherrrr" or "Bestie boo" to boys in the hallways when in reality you know they sucking their dick on the dl. The Boy's at Madison talk the most shit about Lincoln and Lamphere but still date girls from there. Lastly, Everyone in Madison thinks their football team is the shit because they went to Ford Field but that's only because their a D7 school and play the shittest teams in their division.
Dan: Damn, I'll never go to Madison High School, Everyone in there is so stuck up
John: Don't, I had the shittest four years of my life at that school.
This is a amazing high school home to many athletic stars. This school is home to many basic white girls and many fury’s.
Ex: Wow look at that dog collar. You must go to Lincoln Southwest High school
Grover cleveland high school is hell on earth.
known as snobino in Tucson, this school is well known for their conservative views and white supremacy on their campus ! ran by rich snobby white kids who have nothing better to do than complain about politics.
Man I should’ve switched out of Sabino High School when i had the chance. I’m tired of them making fun of my shoes !
A high school that is located in Chesterland Ohio that is known for its weird schedules, sign out sheets, and in school restrictions. It lacks diversity and people do drugs, honk their horn in the parking lot and vandalize the the bathrooms with shit on the walls.
It’s quite budget too and has trashy food, a lack of bus transportation, crappy chromebooks, and water that taste like lead.
It has desks that were discarded from another school and a bell system that is always off or malfunctioning.
The teachers at West Geauga Schools are old and unable to effectively teach students. They make jokes and expect you to complete assignments on material you didn’t learn.
Friend: Do you go to West Geauga High School?
Student who goes to WGHS: Weee go loh, but dont regret ah.