Walking like a speed walker while you are snapping fingers with both hands, a nice alternating sequence. You are on your way to the next pub looking for sluts, flirting women, trying to get laid.
What you wanna do now? Lets fast walk finger snap.
You are one of the best people
He puting up 8 fingers he must be a good guy
When you play air guitar to the new metallica song
dude i was listening to the new metallica song and i was total Finger jam riff sliding
other dude: you freak
Are people whom enjoy to see the suffering of others. They are incredibly evil. They are jealous worthless swine. When you turn your back they will take more of your belongings and try to take everything you have.
Hey where did my stuff go, perhaps a disgusting black widdow took it or mr. or mrs. sticky fingers. E.G. Piscilla and Dennis D'Arminio, James Johnson, Charlotte and Lynn Carter, Todd, and Lois Johnson, and Josh Hudack, Kyle Baumgardner and Madison, And probably Scholfields. {PROBABLY}
Gay sex position, see Eiffle tower, in which a white male is spit roasted by two black men.
"After walking through the curtain, we saw Dylan Cole caught in a South African Finger Trap."
It's a mystery finger, the meanest finger to show a person. No one knows what it even means...
Sike. We all know what it is!
See my mystery finger? Figure out what it means!