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Urban Dictionary

A website you look at to feel worse about yourself

Man: "I went on Urban Dictionary the other day!"
Woman: "This date is over"

by Cumbucket cumwhore December 6, 2023

Urban dictionary

Social media as a dictionary. Kinda. Also a place to search up random words when bored.

Friend: what does “couch” mean?
Me: Search it up in Urban Dictionary, you’ll thank me later
*five minutes later*
Friend: Well, that was insulting
Me: It’s speaking facts though

by Just_hate_twowrlds October 9, 2022

Urban dictionary

The urban dictionary

You are using urban dictionary

by Skybluehoodie January 8, 2022

Urban dictionary

Wikipedia but with memes

A:Hey I use wikipedia B:Well I use urban dictionary

by Ste of the fan June 29, 2020

Urban Dictionary

Bullshit lies

Urban Dictionary makes up words by antisemites and anti-zionists and promotes hatred!

by January 10, 2024

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary

1. (noun)

The douche bag version of Wikipedia.

2. (verb)

Roasting your friend and or family for not understanding the punchline of a joke involving a play on words.

1. (Noun) who gives a crap about what the urban dictionary has to say, isnt that the douch bag Wikipedia?

2. (Verb) Man Josh really urban dictionaried Tom about that Bob peters joke.

by RoLya-T September 14, 2022

Urban Dictionary

A community-influenced website used to inform people of modern lingo and pop culture references; the modern-day equivalent of the Bible.

Dad: Son, what does "based" mean? Some pale lady with blue hair and a smartphone called me that at the store today.
Son: Have you tried looking it up on Urban Dictionary, the online dictionary authored by users to educate humanity on present topics?
Dad: Wow! There it is! Thanks, Urban Dictionary!
He turns to the camera with an enthusiastic grin and a thumbs-up.

by Scooter, the Creator May 8, 2021