Source Code

Medic bag

The thing that dallas from the pay-day franchise


by Skybluehoodie January 2, 2022

Secuer Da Bag

The bag being anything you want/desire. You must obtain it or accomplish your goal. Secuer Da Bag

Get money by any means Secuer Da Bag

by Big He-Man October 16, 2021

Bagging Pales

To sleep with someone of British origin

Person 1: hey man what you been up to

Person 2 : went to the UK and I've been bagging pales, ken

by Gavastrong June 14, 2023

Bagging Pales

Term used to indicate that you've slept with a British person

Yea mate I've been out bagging pales.

by Gavastrong June 3, 2023

Fumbled the bag

Ryan Chapman

Ryan Chapman fumbled the bag

by Edjsjzndbzjjdej April 25, 2022

rag bag

1. a bag for storing odd rags
2. a confused assortment; jumble a ragbag of ideas
3. Informal a scruffy or slovenly person
4. an individual that frequents Texaco during the Christmas break

Ann Cheney: "Ohhhh look at those guuuuys...(lust)"
in unison> Hunter and Erika: "Umm look at those rag bags getting out of that stupid huge truck- wearing Ed Hardy...trying to be $ 30,000 millionares.

by RIKKI2715 February 10, 2011

flop bags

Tits that have been strechted and pulled on so much they resemble a shredded car tire.

That bitches tits are beyond flop bags.

by Seemandonationspeacilist March 18, 2016