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1. a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.

"she's a friend of mine"

by pseudo1234imcool January 6, 2020


People who are complete assholes. They may look great, smart, nice from the outside, but really they just pure garbage cans.

I have a lot of friends...😭

by Obsecuresalad March 25, 2018


A blue sheep that ghostbur loved and was blown up by dadza

Ghostbur:where’s friend
Dadza:I don’t know mate

by Mcyt January 7, 2021


The person you have sexual relations with, that isn't your partner. # Alycia Adams

I'm going to wash my friend's dishes. I'll be right back...

by SkankFacts April 20, 2022


Something that you will never have.

Bro wanna come hang with my friends?

You: What is a "friends"?

by ReverseSharts May 18, 2020


Sad bitches you can never trust.

Person 1: You know those girls, over there, they said some nasty things about you. If I were you I'd tell them to go stuff themselves with a cactus.
Person 2: Oh.... I thought they were my friends.

by it's.me December 23, 2013


Someone that you can trust or be thankful for! They are your close one.

She is an amazing friend to me!

by moxie25 December 8, 2019