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urban dictionary

the gen z of dictionaries

person 1: what r u doing
person 2: looking at urban dictionary

person 1: ur definitely gen z

by sizhabains December 24, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A place where random people write random definitions, you can find a definition for literally anything here. All you need to do to add a new definition is to just sign in with Google.

I didn't know what "operator" meant so I searched it on Urban Dictionary.

by rest-stop-999 April 18, 2024

Urban dictionary

clear your history.

we all know why you typed in urban dictionary.

by k....? February 4, 2022

Urban Dictionary

noun: a website kids/teens go to to look up words their freinds said that they don't understand.

Dude where'd you learn that?
Urban Dictionary.
That makes sense.

by evanbae1234 January 8, 2016

urban dictionary

The site your on

Dude I’m gonna use urban dictionary

by COMMUNISM 100 May 29, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A dictionary that was once reveled by the internet but is now a censored left wing playground where funny definitions are no longer allowed.

I remember Urban Dictionary. They used to have definitions added by a plethora of users and now it's just hypersensitive left wing pussies.

by Lets Go Brandon September 1, 2022

Urban Dictionary

Look on your computer screen in the top left corner.

Urban Dictionary: The Best place to find out what your friend means when he called you a guido.

by RicoSwavey July 4, 2009