1.) people born on December 2 are badass,goofy,not scared,Amazing,pretty,smart,A lot of energy PrdT.
Him:who is that
His friend: that’s the new girl
Him:she was probably born on December 2
2 2s
A Toronto way of saying honestly
Yo 2 2s your cheesing me fam, come off my line
Yo 2 2s that baddie has a fat ass
The single greatest sequel of the worst game ever made.
Also a meme from videogamedunkey Youtube's channel.
Go steel someones dog for a day
You: Hay remember that cute dog let’s go steel it
Friend: we can’t are you stupid
You: it’s November 2
Tell your crush they cute day
yo it’s november 2, you know what that means ;)
November 2nd is when you give a girl your hoddie day it can be your (friend / best friend/girlfriend )
to make them happy
bf : hey its November 2nd here is my hoddie
gf: thanks I love this hoodie
Append this string to the end of an Urban Dictionary URL to view page 2 when applicable.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then don't worry, be happy. You're not a nerd.