Source Code

Matt Elliott

The greek phrase meaning "I have had too much sex for one night". To turn down sex for the pure fact of he "doesn't want to get addicted".

I don't want sex because I hit my Matt Elliott for the night.

by Amberleigh Rushin January 30, 2014

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Matt Damon

When you get a sweet headshot in the game Call of Duty 4.

Damn dude, you just got Matt Damon'ed!

by Flamewolf2009 June 17, 2008

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matt christoff

usually a male who has a twin she- brother who's dad is suicidal.. he/she's dad has white hair and looks 70 but is actually 25. Matt stutters (for ex: ehhhh) and is really fat but thinks that everyone thinks he's cool. he wears the same clothes all the time and has a weak shoe game. man... he's gay... won't stop giving rainbows!

Kids, never grow up to be a Matt Christoff!

by ehhhh that's gay 67 April 11, 2016

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Messy Matt

When someone is fucking another person in the ass and jizz in their ass. Then the person farts the jizz out onto the someone's face.

I was quite suprised when Jen Messy Matted on me, leaving me with the disgusting smell of fart and the gross texture of jizz on my face

by Pete March 18, 2004

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Matt Nonced

to be left in a room on your own by all of your friends with one annoying person who has shit chat and will not let you leave the room before they have told you pointless things about their life which knowone cares about.

"no dont go in that room"
"because we have all just left Phil behind to get matt nonced with some complete tit"

by Mr Ngog December 10, 2009

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matt green

A pussy.

Matt Green is a pussy.

by Oh daddy a triple March 14, 2017

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Matt Walsh

An angry twitter guy who masturbates to pictures of himself.

Did you hear about Matt Walsh?

No, who's that?

by The Leather Daddy 69 September 29, 2020

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