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holiday sweats

A "dressy" warm up suit or sweat suit. It may be a little brighter and/or shinier than a person's everyday warm up suits, and it is reserved for special occasions. It is worn by someone who rarely dresses up, but who is truly making an effort by donning the holiday sweats.

Cousin 1: You're invited to a Christmas Party at my house.

Cousin 2: Great! What is the attire?

Cousin 1: Casual chic.

Cousin 2: Awesome. I will wear my holiday sweats.

Cousin 1: I expected nothing less... and be sure to wear your formal tennis shoes.

by tgeezy December 26, 2011

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Dook sweat

When you’re nearing your destination and all of a sudden you are stricken by the paralyzing feeling of what many refer to as β€œtummy tremors” or β€œthe calm before the storm.” At this time, the sufferer must clinch his/her butt cheeks together to refrain from soiling their favorite pants. This clinching of the cheeks causes the buildup of condensation on the poor soul’s butt. This condensation is referred to many, if not all as, β€œthe dook sweats.”

I look like I sat in a puddle of water because I got a bad case of the dook sweats.

by Dooksweats99 December 3, 2018

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Sweat Monsters

An old pair of sweatpants cut off at the knees and magically transformed into a stylish pair of shorts that allow the flexibility of sweatpants, but with the comfort of shorts

Sid - "dude you check out these dope new sweat monsters i made the other day?"

Phil - "pretty tight bro, looks like some good flexibility with the comfort of shorts, not to mention stylish as all hell"

by SBtheGhost April 11, 2011

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Sweat Bat

A game played by cats where they bat at loose strings from sweat pants. Often known to catch owners off guard, especially if swiped in a sensitive area. This game is most often played by Ralph Drabble and his cat, Oogie.

Ralph: (not realizing he's left his pants open) It's a great day for a jog.

Oogie: (pounces and lands on Ralph's crotch) Meow!

Ralph: YEOW! That dang cat! This isn't supposed to be a game of sweat bat.

June: I told you, Ralph, tie those sweatpants shut!

by Dusty's Baby Powder December 31, 2011

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sweat cringe

The emotion felt when you walking along and someone with really sweaty arms brushes past any part of your skin

usually happens on a hot day and the result is you feel like screaming and shouting at the dude who may have done it accidently but you don't care - cos it was gross.

Plus you don't feel like wiping it with your hands or shirt... cos then you would just be spreading the sweat somewhere else.

It was a hot day and Lucy was on the bus holding to the handle when an overweight sweaty gentlemen came onto the bus. he tried to edge past Lucy but due to the nature of his size, brushed her arm as he went past. Hence lucy got a nice healthy portion of sweat all over her arms, and a sweat cringe ensued.

by London_guitarist August 10, 2010

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Sweat tuna

Sweat tuna can be used to replace such phrases like

No worries
No problem
Yea for sure

Nat and mot were out bush and Nat asked mot
What he thought of the serenity
Mot replies " it's bloody sweat tuna "

by Dave the drover August 29, 2019

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The Dildo Sweats

When one breaks into an uncontrollable sweat from not using a dildo enough or not having enough sex; in other words, being sexually frustrated.

"Oh no! I've lost my dildo! Now I've got The Dildo Sweats again!"

Maria/Peter was so sexually frustrated that she/he got The Dildo Sweats every single day!

by Macaycay February 21, 2014

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