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Windows 7

A new operating system released by microsoft as a plan to "phase out" the still superior XP.

The conspiracy, as it is known, revolves around the idea that Microsoft released Vista in its current state INORDER to make people forget about XP when they released their NEXT subpar OS (note how every says how much 7 is better than Vista, but rarely talks of XP)

Treats the average user like a baby, and the advanced user like an idiot. Only to be used by those still learning what the mouse is.

Guy: Dude, you're switching to Windows 7... why?
Moron: Well, it's better than Vista.
Guy: 98 was better than Vista...
Moron: Whats 98
Guy: You're helpless

by Sycophaunt January 6, 2010

65πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


Most of the time, but not all the time.

Although I think about sex 24/7, I only think about having it with him, 22/7.

by rambler October 3, 2005

28πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Christian music that repeats the same 7 words 11 times.

This song is a 7/11 song.

holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy
God God God God God God God God God God God
almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty
adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore
you you you you you you you you you

by owl1958 October 27, 2007

105πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

November 7

November 7 is β€œNational slap your crushes ass day”

Katy: Omg it’s November 7!
Sara: So?
Katy: I get to go slap Andrew’s ass

by reeismyname November 6, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

November 7

Kiss your best friend day

November 7 kiss you best friend

by Boooooo! November 5, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

November 7

This is the day dedicated to all the female species who's name is DanΓ©l. Seeing that DanΓ©l is not a very common name amongst women it shall be celebrated to make them to feel special on this day!

"Hi, my name is DanΓ©l!"
"... wait, your female and your name is DanΓ©l, well you probably can't wait until the November 7"
*wink emoji*

by Deegdaddy November 5, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dynamo 7

Is the highest looks based rating one can give a girl. It trumps all other rating scales and falls well above a 10/10.

Damn that girl is so hot! I'ld rate her a dynamo 7!

by dynamo dude April 12, 2007

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž