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Strava art

Using the Strava app GPS workout tracking to create artistic pictures on a map.

My workout is an amazing piece of Strava Art

by WASOC master September 2, 2021

Art Alternative

Dance music that is the opposite of Art Pop.

Art Alternative is s style of EDM unto itself that is produced by ear-only without adhering to to conventional beats, processes, style or musical terminology.

by International Giant September 14, 2013

Art bombing

Photographing the superimposition of real objects or people into a work of art, typically for amusement.

Similar to photo bombing.

Art bombing at "And Now It's Art" website

by Artbomber February 15, 2010

Skeet art

A type of art that contains both men and women ejaculating onto the canvas. Similarly, to the 'Scat art'. .

"We should go to the art museum this weekend to check out the new art trend and exibit called 'Skeet art."

by Cuntstina June 11, 2019


Art made by stans for stans usually in a very distinct art style that is synonymous with very lanky frames and humanoid features usually present in the Dream SMP fandom, dark parts of Twitter, or anywhere that if you look hard enough

Wow that fanart is definitely Stan-Art

by theguywhodidthis May 18, 2021

Margin art

1.The art of doodling, but while also taking notes; restricting the doodles to the margins.
2.The nice way of saying "doodle"

"You know, that guy who draws and takes notes in math class?"
"Yeah, he's a total margin artist"

by riggy78 November 2, 2013

Public Art

More commonly known as "graffiti" or "vandalism," public art is art...in public. However, the distinct difference is that public art has a meaning.

Person 1: Did you vandalize this?
Person 2: No, it's not vandalism. It's public art.

by Anarcho-Punk March 23, 2013